Our supplier Code of Conduct
for transparent and sustainable partnerships
The Wimex Group’s mission is to operate sustainably and innovatively to create a future worth living for all. In doing so, we always operate in accordance with our values of integrity, responsibility and ambition. Anyone seriously claiming to act with integrity, responsibility and a commitment to legal and ethical standards must not stop at company or national borders. They must also hold their supply chain accountable to the fullest extent possible.
We expect all participants in the value chain of the Wimex Group to comply with the following minimum standards. This allows us to build trust in our products and services and proactively avoid situations that are legally problematic or damaging to society, the environment or the company’s image.
This Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the minimum standard for Wimex Group suppliers. We expect our suppliers to ensure that their own supply chain also complies with standards that are at least equivalent to the requirements of our Code.
Our suppliers must also observe the applicable national laws, minimum industrial standards and other relevant regulations. In the event of a conflict, legal regulations take precedence over our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Our principles are based on the relevant principles of the UN Global Compact, the Base Code Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and the standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), among others.
Animal welfare
Regardless of the location of our business partners, we expect compliance with the basic principles of animal welfare as laid down in the German Animal Welfare Act (TierSchG). We and our partners recognise the responsibility of humans towards animals as living beings and uncompromisingly stand behind the principles of the TierSchG, in particular:
- no person shall cause pain, suffering or harm to any animal without reasonable cause
- the animal must be fed, cared for and housed in a manner appropriate to its species and needs
- the possibility of movement appropriate to the species must not be restricted to such an extent that pain, avoidable suffering or harm is caused to the animal
- the stockperson must have the knowledge and skills for the animal’s appropriate nutrition, care and housing in accordance with its behavioural requirements
Environmental protection
We expect our suppliers to follow the precautionary principle with regard to the environmental impact of their operations and their supply chain. This means that, even in the absence of definitive scientific proof, in all activities they choose the environmentally friendly option according to the current state of knowledge. Unnecessary burdens on the environment are to be avoided through the use of environmentally friendly materials, processes and technology. Our suppliers should work with us continuously to improve environmental protection and conserve natural resources, especially soil, energy and water. The use of medicines, fertilisers and pesticides must be limited to what is objectively necessary. Our suppliers should avoid waste and promote recycling and recyclability of products and packaging. The Wimex Group gives preference to suppliers who can demonstrate that their business activities or supply chain are climate-neutral, all other conditions being equal.
Corruption in any form, i.e., bribery or acceptance of bribes, as well as the granting and acceptance of advantages, is prohibited. We do not expect our suppliers to accept or grant, solicit or offer any personal benefit in any way to obtain or grant any business advantage, expedited processing, actions, acquiescence or forbearance. In addition to direct or indirect financial benefits, we also understand advantages to include other benefits that exceed a reasonable, customary scope or – irrespective of this – could give the impression of impairing independent and objective decisions.
We consider the occasional acceptance and granting of small gifts with a business background to be unobjectionable up to a net value of 50 euros per person per year. Hospitality and invitations to events with a business background are also unobjectionable if they do not exceed the reasonable scope customary in the country.
However, gifts of money or other benefits in which the financial value is the primary consideration are prohibited in all cases. Likewise, donations to public officials or their associates are prohibited. This excludes tips up to 15 euros. Any stricter conditions imposed by the other party must be respected.
Fundamental rights
Any form of forced labour is prohibited. No one shall be forced to work or enter into employment by force, threats or withholding of salary, benefits, documents or property. No employee shall be subjected to physical or mental abuse, inhumane treatment or personal harassment.
Child labour is also prohibited. Our suppliers are not allowed to employ persons younger than 15 years. Persons subject to compulsory school attendance may not be employed in work likely to interfere with school attendance. Stricter national regulations on the protection of minors naturally take precedence.
Employees shall not be discriminated against on the basis of origin, religion, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, political opinion, trade union membership or other personal characteristics. The Wimex Group expects its suppliers to promote equal opportunities for all employees and to work towards eliminating existing unequal treatment. We expect our suppliers to respect the rights of their workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Working conditions
Our suppliers must ensure that the health and safety of their employees in the workplace is guaranteed. To this end, suitable occupational safety measures must be implemented, and the employees must be informed about them. In addition to comply with all relevant legal requirements, we expect, as a minimum standard, adequately equipped and lit workplaces, marked and usable emergency exits, access to clean drinking water, to clean sanitary facilities and to emergency medical care.
We also expect suppliers to take all necessary measures in their part of the value chain to protect both their employees and ours, as well as our customers and the end consumer, from the dangers of pathogens, contamination and foreign bodies in products.
Work hours and wages
Our suppliers must conclude employment contracts with employees within the framework of the applicable national laws. Similarly, the maximum hours to be worked per day and per week must comply with the applicable legal regulations. Our minimum requirement is that employees do not work more than 48 hours per week on average, or more than 60 hours per week with overtime, that overtime is voluntary and regularly remunerated, and that employees are entitled to at least one day off within a 7-day period.
The lower limit for wage and fringe benefits for a normal working week is the legally required, collectively agreed and industry-standard minimum. Wages should be paid that are sufficient to cover the cost of living. Our suppliers’ employees receive their wages regularly, in full and on time. Withholding of benefits for disciplinary control is not permitted unless explicitly provided for by law.
Audits and sanctions
The Wimex Group reserves the right to review existing and new suppliers with regard to compliance with our standards. We expect constructive and honest cooperation from suppliers during the audit. In the event of a lack of support or if misconduct within the meaning of this Supplier Code of Conduct becomes apparent to us, we reserve the right to terminate the relevant contractual relationships after provision of appropriate information and deadline.
Entry into force and amendment
This Supplier Code of Conduct enters into force on 01.01.2021. It is published on the Wimex Group website. We reserve the right to review, amend and expand the content of the Supplier Code of Conduct at our discretion.
Notification of infringements
Information on violations of this Supplier Code of Conduct can be sent either by email to nachhaltigkeit@wimex-group.com or – anonymously if desired – by post to the following address:
Wimex Agrarprodukte Import & Export GmbH
Peter-Henlein-Strasse 1
93128 Regenstauf
All information will be treated confidentially.