
The Wimex Group is looking to the future with innovative initiatives. We participate in research and development projects and invest in start-up companies.



IXMAP provides digital transformation out in the fields. The company develops digital solutions for the agricultural industry, and networking to facilitate beneficial cooperation between industry partners. With the Smart Farming applications from iXMAP, land is managed in a way that conserves resources. Industry partners include agricultural businesses, agricultural machinery manufacturers and the agricultural trade.



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The potential yield of the soil depends, among other things, on its structure and pH value. Together with the Smart Farming company iXMAP, the Wimex Group is participating in a project that uses mobile soil sensors to record soil lime properties quickly, cost-effectively and on a small scale, and to provide the data for site-specific fertilisation.


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Online purchasing is popular with farmers too. Agrando is a company that operates neutrally to simplify this process, bringing together farmers, agricultural traders and manufacturers on one online platform. According to Top agrar (2/2020), Agrando is now the largest neutral trading platform for agricultural resources in Germany.



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Satellite navigation and GIS technologies are already available for the management of agricultural land. The Wimex Group sees enormous development potential in this field – utilising precision farming systems and actively supporting further research and development activities as a shareholder.


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Drones offer valuable support in the automated assessment of field trials and thus serve to advance plant breeding. Opportunities and possible applications are the subject of research by Triesdorf-Weihenstephan University in cooperation with the Wimex Group.



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A biogas plant operating near Köthen is entirely geared to the needs of the Wimex Group. Gut Mennewitz Biogas GmbH uses the specially developed NatUrGas process. Biogas and nutrients used as high-quality fertiliser for crop cultivation are produced there from chicken manure and silage through a process of dry fermentation.

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Organic waste also contains valuable nutrients. abonocare GmbH recycles these. At abonocare, the Wimex Group is involved in the development of viable technology and value chains that make sensible and economically viable use of organic waste.

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Agro-Sat offers innovations in the field of precision farming. Weather information, soil moisture sensors, application maps of areas and other automated information are networked into intelligent systems. The aim is to manage land in a way that is appropriate to the location and environmentally sound.


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Solar-powered and fully automated irrigation is the goal of a joint project in which the Wimex Group is involved. The aim of the project is the efficient use of water as a resource in the cultivation of agricultural crops. The project is funded by the state of Saxony-Anhalt within the framework of the European Innovation Partnership ‘Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability’ (EIP-AGRI).


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