
In the area of energy, we channel our efforts into energy generation and the sustainable management of our properties.

Solar energy

In addition to making roof areas and open spaces available to solar energy operators, we also use photovoltaic systems to generate solar energy. In a joint venture with the Freitag Group, we plan and implement photovoltaic systems for ourselves and third parties to generate our own electricity.


We produce biogas and high-quality substrates in our biogas plant from renewable raw materials (dry chicken manure and plant silage). The sustainably produced gas is converted into ecologically friendly electricity (bioenergy) and heat in our combined heat and power plants.

Wind energy

For more than 20 years, the Wimex Group has been leasing areas in Saxony-Anhalt for the production of wind energy. We are currently supporting several operators of these wind sites to facilitate the construction of plants with the latest turbine technology (repowering).

Energy management

Load curve analyses help us understand our energy needs. These insights help us to find alternative sources of generation and potential savings. The use of our own CHP and photovoltaic systems for own power supply is a result of these investigations.

Resource management

We use our land and resources as economically and ecologically as possible. Open spaces for photovoltaic systems, ecological compensation areas, over 100 hectares of flowering plots and marginal strips as well as reforestation projects complement our agricultural cultivation areas.


Our goal

By 2030, at least half of all company locations should be energy self-sufficient. At the same time, we are striving to become CO2 neutral.



Vegetables & Fruit


Living Agriculture.


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